51 miles
Kansas City to Lexington
Check in 7:00-8:00am
Safety Meeting 8:00am
Start Time 9:00am
Food Opens: 3:00pm
Award Ceremony: 4:00pm
Entry Fee $65
The RPC3 Shootout is a unique race, in that it doesn't follow the normal race divisions that Midwest races usually follow.
In the RPC3 Shootout, the boat type doesn’t determine your class…the paddle does! Are you paddling with a single blade (canoe style)? Or a double blade (kayak style)?
There are 4 official divisions in the Shootout: Single Blade Solo Double Blade Solo Single Blade Tandem Double Blade Tandem There is a fifth division called Exhibition. This division is for folks who for whatever reason just can’t find a way to fit into the regular divisions. It might be because they want to have 3 people in the boat… or it might be because they want to switch paddle types during the race, or because they power their boat with bicycle pedals!
All racers will receive a premium dry bag. Trophies for the top 3 in each class, and medals for all racers.
Free for all racers, crew, and families: Grilled hot dog buffet with water, pop, fruit, and snacks. Raffle prizes based on current sponsorships.
The start line is Kaw Point: https://goo.gl/maps/jX3xmECK5qCipp5Q9
Finish is Lexington: https://goo.gl/maps/2y6u6x5VXMy1aB8j9
Location Mile
Start: Kaw Point, KCKS 0
La Benite (291) 15
Fort Osage (Sibley) 31
Finish: Lexington Riverfront Park 51