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The Mean Lamine

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13.4 mile race
Up and Back from De Bourgemont
Check in 8:00-9:00am
Safety Meeting 9:00am
Start Time 10:00am
Food Opens:  12:30pm
Award Ceremony:  2:00pm 
Entry Fee $50

The Mean Lamine is a 13.4 mile race on the Lamine River.  It will start and finish at De Bourgemont access point.  There are 3 access points during the race for ground crews and spectators, and although the race is 13.4 miles long, the drive time in a car is right around 12 minutes to get from the beginning to the turn around point (Harriman Hill Access). 

All racers will receive a premium dry bag.  Trophies for the top 3 in each class, and medals for all racers.  

Free for all racers, crew, and families:  Grilled hot dog buffet with water, pop, fruit, and snacks.  Raffle prizes based on current sponsorships.   

The start and finish line is the De Bourgmont access point which means no need for shuttling! (Same location as the start line for the Freedom Race) 

Location                                                 Mile

Start: De Bourgmont Access                 0
Turn Around: Harriman Hill Access     6.7
Finish: De Bourgmont Access               13.4

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