AWR213 - Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness
Date & Times Dec 10, 2024 from 8 AM - 5 PM
This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and information sharing programs, and relate critical infrastructure programs to individual actions.
Focus will be placed on local preparedness efforts as they relate to the national approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience, enabling stakeholders to address local planning within a common framework. Informed planning is consistent with accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT310, MGT315, and MGT414, are eligible for the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
Maximum 40 students
Hours 8
Max Attendance 30
Region F
Location Jefferson City Police Dept
401 Monroe St
Jefferson City, MO 65101
POST Approved Yes
POST Control # 20802
Technical Studies 8
Target Audiences Public Health, Public Safety Communications (911), Security and Safety, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), HAZMAT, Information Technology, Government Administrative, Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Fire, First Responders, Medical (Hospital), Public Works, Emergency Management Director, and Transportation
Availability Open To The Public
Prerequisites None Set